Frequently Asked Questions

New Families

What should I bring on my child's first day?

Each age group will look slightly different in what they will need on their first day here at Bright Beginnings.

Emergency Record Card
Vaccination Record
Copy of current physical or most recent well baby check-up
Childcare assistance contract or first month’s tuition payment/registration fee paid
Enrollement packet paperwork completed

Infant –
3-4 Changes of clothes
Diapers and Wipes
Any creams your child requires (Fill out topical product permission form)
Plently of bottles for the day. (We do not wash or re-use them)
Labeled and dated breast milk or formula (If choosen not to use formula provided by the center)
If interested: Safe Sleep policy states can use swaddler approved for sleep

Toddler –
Blanket and/or stuffed animal for naptime
3-4 Changes of clothers
Weather appropriate gear
Diapers and wipes
Any creams your child requires plus fill out topical product permission form
Water Bottle (Recommended)

Preschool and older –
Blanket and/or stuffed animal for naptime
Two changes of clothes
Weather appropriate gear
Water Bottle (Recommended)

How do I check my child in and out?
Upon arrival at Bright Beginnings, the parents or the adult dropping the child off must clock the child into care on the keypad located in the secured entry. Children are required to be escorted by their parent or the adult dropping them off, to their designated classroom. The child(ren) must be signed into and out of the classroom upon arrival and departure. Children are required by law to be always supervised while in the childcare facility. Parents are required to help children put away their outerwear and get settled for the day.
What's your Tuition Policy?
All custodial parents and/or legal guardians are required to sign a Schedule and Billing Plan Agreement prior to enrollment of their child in Bright Beginnings. Parents are required to indicate to whom all billing information and correspondence are to be addressed.

There is an annual non-refundable enrollment fee of $100.00 due each August 1st. Overtime charges will be billed any time your child’s attendance falls outside of your submitted schedule. Cash, money order, credit or debit card, or pre-arranged automatic withdrawal through Tuition Express may be used to pay tuition. Receipts will be given for tuition payments. All cash payments must be handed directly to the center’s Administrator. Tuition does not include fees for field trips and extra-curricular activities. Certain field trips may have an additional fee, and you will be notified of all costs involved.

Do I need to pack my child lunch?

We serve breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack each day. These are nutritious foods from the basic four food groups. All of our menus are USDA approved and are posted for you to see.

Please notify your center director if your child has any special dietary requirements or restrictions. Times for these meals are listed with the curriculum information.

What is your policy on late tuition payments?
By enrolling in this program, you have purchased a spot for your child. Bright Beginnings will prepare and provide care for your child for your selected schedule. As such, your fee is due even if your child does not attend for your full schedule. There is no credit given for vacations, scheduled school holidays, child illness, or for closings due to emergency situations, inclement weather or acts of God. Payments (including co-payments) are due in advance. A $35.00 late payment fee will be applied to your account if payment is not received by the end of the day on the due date. If payment is not received by the end of the 3rd day after the due date your child will be excluded from care.
If you choose to make payments twice a month, a late fee will be assessed to each payment that is not paid by the due date.

Bright Beginnings accepts childcare subsidies. Families using government assistance plans must set up programs prior to enrollment. Parents are responsible for the annual $100.00 enrollment fee and for any portion of the fees not covered by their plan, which may result in additional billing at the end of the month.

Parents of a subsidized child must complete all required paperwork on time to continue enrollment at Bright Beginnings. Parents of subsidized children are also required to sign a fee agreement, agreeing to be personally responsible for the payment of tuition, in the event they become ineligible to receive childcare subsidies.

Do you provide formula to my infant?
Bright Beginnings provides Kirkland brand formula (similar to Enfamil) as well as baby foods, cereals, milk, and soft solid foods for infants preparing to transition to the young toddler rooms. If you choose to provide your child’s bottles each day, be sure to prepare one more bottle than you think your child will consume in a day to assure that your child won’t run out. Prepared bottles must be stored in the designated refrigerator and will be warmed in a water bath prior to feeding. No bottles will be microwaved. All bottles must be taken home by the parents each night to be washed. Glass infant feeding bottles are not permitted.

Current Families

How do I let you know if my child will be late?
If a child attends during the morning, parents are required to inform the center by 9:00am if they will not be at the center as scheduled. This does not apply to children scheduled to attend in the afternoons. A child that is regularly scheduled for morning arrival will not be permitted to arrive later than 10:30 a.m. without prior approval from the center director. This will enable the center to more effectively maintain appropriate ratios and help the classroom teacher effectively plan for the day.
Who can pick up my child?
Parents or other authorized adults are required to clock their child out of care on the keypad located in the secured entry. Once a parent signs their child out, the parent is then solely responsible for supervising their child while on agency premises. The parent may not allow a child to wander through the hallways, bathrooms, other classrooms, and/or playground. Parents are required to handle all business issues prior to signing out their child and are required to directly exit the building once they have signed their child out of care.
Is it alright if I'm there a few minutes past pick up time?
A late payment fee of $2.00/minute will be charged for any child remaining after closing time (6:00pm). All measurements of time are to be according to the Bright Beginnings time clock located in the center lobby. A child’s services will be terminated should the child be picked-up late on three occasions in one school year regardless of the reasons for the late pick-up. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that someone (either a parent or Emergency/Alternate pick-up person) is available to pick up the child on time.
Are there any days you aren't open?
Open 7:00AM-6:00PM, M-F Site capacities can fluctuate Our program operates year-round except for the following holidays and training days that we are closed: Labor Day Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas Eve and Christmas Day New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Presidents’ Day (closed for business, staff in-service training, and center improvement projects) Team Enrichment Week (One week prior to ASD calendar’s 1st grade start date) Memorial Day Independence Day
What happens if there is bad weather?
At Bright Beginnings we go outside for playtime twice each day. In cases where it is raining heavily, or the temperature reaches 10 degrees or lower we will keep the children indoors. All children are expected to participate in outdoor playtime. If your child is too ill to play outdoors, please keep him/her home for the day. Infants will enjoy outside time twice per day, as weather and individual tolerance allows.

In the event of an emergency closing and/or inclement weather, parents will be notified of the closing by announcement via Bright Beginnings Facebook page, text message alert, and throughParent Platforms. As soon as it is safely possible, a notice will be posted on the front door of the center.

Can I still bring in my child if they are sick?

• Fever: Must be fever free for 24 hours. (Fever temperature is 101.3 degrees)
• Vomiting: Must be symptom free for 24 hours.
• Diarrhea: Defined as an increased number of stools compared with the child’s normal pattern, with increased watery stool and/or decreased formed consistency that cannot be contained by the diaper or toilet. The child must be symptom free before returning to care. If a child is on a medication that causes diarrhea, a doctor’s note will be required for the child’s file before he/she may return to care.
• Conjunctivitis (pink eye): 24 hours after documented treatment for conjunctivitis has begun.
• Mouth sores: Must provide a doctor’s note stating that the child is non-infectious.
• Rash: With any rash that appears severe or is accompanied by a fever or behavior change, a doctor’s note must be provided stating that the illness is not a communicable disease.
• Infestations (i.e. head lice, scabies etc.): 24 hours after appropriate treatment has begun.
• Tuberculosis: Must provide a doctor’s note stating the child is non-infectious.
• Impetigo: 48 hours after appropriate treatment has begun.
• Strep Throat: 24 hours after appropriate treatment has begun.
• Varicella (Chicken Pox): 7 days after onset of rash or until all lesions have dried and crusted.
• Shingles: Must provide doctors note stating the child is non-infectious.
• Whooping cough: May return after 5 days of appropriate treatment has been received.